Monday, May 3, 2010

5) Does technology control you? How so? If not, please explain how you are in control when you use it.

For me, technology controls my life everyday. Just about everywhere I seem to be, I am some how surrounded by different types of technology. The main technological source I use is my phone, and it is my lifeline. It keeps me up to date on information, allows me to stay in instant contact of friends and family, play games, read articles, see what time it is and tons of other helpful things. Every morning when I get up, I reach for my phone and check out the weather forecast for the day. It’s pretty bad how much I rely on my phone for getting certain things accomplished. Over spring break I was phone-less for a week and it was very different and hard to go about without my phone. Not knowing the time, sports news, etc. was tough, but I held it out. Without my phone, I feel naked.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

AoW Reflection

In a crime so high as this I do feel that children should be prosecuted and tried in adult court. I understand that some people may feel that 'they're just kids' or something to that matter, but the fact is that this boy still killed someone. Just because he's a child doesn't make him not guilty. If the child were to fess up and say it was an accident it could have been more understandable, but the fact that he didn't makes me more questionable... Overall I found this article very interesting, and also very sad. I just wish that Jordan would have been completely honest and told the truth about what happened.